

Save money by outsourcing

Why waste precious in-house resources or pay pricey agency retainer fees and exorbitant hourly rates when it’s actually less expensive to outsource your newsletter to The Newsletter Experts? Especially given the fact that you’ll end up with a more professional and effective publication – without any of the hassles.

Custom newsletters = Custom pricing

We produce high quality, custom newsletters, so our prices are customized for each newsletter client.

Request a free, custom quote

To receive a custom quote that meets specific needs, please click here or call us at 636.256.0050.

What about mailing?

For a suprisingly low cost, we can take care of mailing your newsletters and ensure you get the lowest postal rates. We can also ship the newsletters to you or your mailing service.

Does my newsletter have to be printed by The Newsletter Experts?

No. We are happy to provide you with a PDF or send press-ready files to “your” printer.

What about HTML or online newsletters?

Please contact us to discuss your specific needs. (It is harder to provide “average” costs for these types of newsletters as they don’t fit neatly into specific page counts or design needs.)

Free PDF version of your newsletter

You always receive a free electronic PDF version of your newsletter which you can email or place on your website.

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How We Save You Money

Competitive Prices
When you compare the costs of trying to produce a newsletter in-house or paying a premium for creative firms that lack newsletter expertise, we make the most fiscal sense.

Turnkey Service
We create, write, design, produce, print and distribute your newsletter – without usurping your valuable time.

Fixed Prices – No Surprises
We consult with you and establish a fixed cost for your newsletter. We don’t charge you for every little change or addition you make.

Buying Power
We have long-term relation-ships with printers/mail houses and the expertise to save you money on printing, mailing and postage