
One of the biggest challenges with laying out an employee newsletter is getting a handle on the content for each issue. That’s where the organizational spreadsheet comes to the rescue. A properly constructed content spreadsheet presents all the details of your employee newsletter at one glance and will let you know if you have too much or too little content.

Take a look at the sample spreadsheet above. As you can see, all the content is neatly organized:

• A list of articles and their focus

• Name of the writer/contributor

• Article status

• Photos/images available and how many

• Word counts

• Where articles should be placed

Using a content spreadsheet to organize each issue of your employee newsletter takes out a lot of guesswork and will save you plenty of time on each issue. By building an organization spreadsheet once, you will be able to use it over and over again to quickly organize each issue.

Rather than create your own spreadsheet from scratch, we’ve created a sample version you can download and modify to fit your own needs. Download it from the Resources Page.
